Publicity 101 for Writers: Veteran Publicist Lauren Cerand in conversation with Kingston Writers’ Studio operator and author Sari Botton

Are you a writer struggling to effectively publicize your work? Are you looking to grow the reach and visibility of your published writing, and find more publishing opportunities? Do you shy away from putting yourself out there because you’re not sure of the best ways to do so—and because you’ve been persuaded to believe self-promotion is shameful?
This 90-minute virtual seminar is for you!
For the first hour, Sari Botton will interview Lauren Cerand about some straight-forward ways writers can improve their online image, and get the message out about their books and their other work. In the final half-hour, Lauren will respond to some questions in the chat.
The backstory:
Recently, two months after publishing my debut memoir with a small indie publisher, I hit a wall. I’d gotten some nice press in small, mostly web-based publications, but if I wanted to sell more copies, get stocked in more bookstores, and keep my book’s buzz going, I’d need to capture the attention of bigger publications.
I reached out to veteran publicist Lauren Cerand. In the space of an hour-long consultation, she diagnosed some issues with my online presence, and offered a list of actionable solutions toward presenting myself and my work in a more focused, professional—yet still authentic— way. She also helped me overcome my aversion to being a squeaky wheel about my book and my other work.
At the end of the session, I felt empowered and optimistic in a way I hadn’t before. I felt as if I’d been to both a career counselor and a therapist. I was so excited about the experience, I wanted to share it with more writers.
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